Valeo Group | 28 Mar, 2023 | 5 min

Valeo General Shareholders’ Meeting 2023

Valeo hereby informs its shareholders that its combined (ordinary and extraordinary) General Meeting will be held at 2:30 pm on May 24, 2023 at the Pavillon Vendôme, 7 Place Vendôme, 75001 Paris.

During this General Meeting, shareholders will be asked, in particular, to approve Valeo SE’s financial statements as well as the Group’s consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2022, to allocate the earnings for this financial year and to pay a dividend of Euro 0.38 per share entitled to a dividend. If this dividend is approved, the ex-dividend date will be May 29, 2023, the record date will be May 30, 2023, and the payment date will be May 31, 2023.

The Board of Directors also decided to propose to the shareholders (i) the ratification, pursuant to applicable laws, of the co-optation of Alexandre Dayon and Stéphanie Frachet as Directors and (ii) the renewal of Stéphanie Frachet and Patrick Sayer’s mandates as Directors, which will expire at the end of the General Shareholders’ Meeting 2023.

Furthermore, shareholders will be asked to vote on:

  • the compensation of Directors and of Executive Corporate Officers for the 2022 financial year (ex post votes);
  • the compensation policies applicable to Directors and to Executive Corporate Officers for the 2023 financial year (ex ante votes).

Shareholders will be also invited to vote on a new authorisation to allocate free shares, intended to replace the previous authorisation approved at the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2021. In addition, they will be invited to renew the authorisations and financial delegations to be granted to the Board of Directors with regard to, in particular, issuance of shares and other securities. These authorisations and delegations are similar to those approved at the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on May 26, 2021.

Finally, shareholders will be asked to amend the articles of association notably to organize, pursuant to applicable laws, the representation of the employee shareholders at Board level as the 3% threshold of the share capital, as calculated pursuant to Article L. 225-102 of the French Commercial Code, was reached during the financial year 2022.

The prior notice of meeting, which will be published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO), will contain the detailed meeting agenda set by the Board of Directors, the draft resolutions submitted by the Board of Directors, and the main modalities for participating in and voting at this General Shareholders’ Meeting. This prior notice of meeting as well as the Board of Director’s report on the draft resolutions will be available on the website (Investors and Shareholders/Shareholders’ Meeting sections) as from March 31, 2023.

The other preparatory documents and information relating to this General Shareholders’ Meeting can be consulted on the aforementioned website, made available or provided to the shareholders under the conditions and within the time limits provided for by the applicable legal and regulatory provisions.

The General Shareholders’ Meeting will be streamed (live and deferred broadcast) on the Group’s website.

For any information about participating in the General Shareholders’ Meeting or on how to obtain access to or consult documents in relation to the General Shareholders’ Meeting, please contact your financial advisor, Valeo’s Investor Relations department, or the Société Générale (Service des Assemblées, CS 30812, 44308 Nantes Cedex 3 – France), which has been instructed to act on behalf of Valeo.

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