Valeo Group | 22 Mar, 2018 | 5 min

Valeo General Meeting 2018

Paris, March 22, 2018 – Valeo hereby informs its shareholders that its combined (ordinary and extraordinary) General Meeting will be held at 2:30 pm on May 23, 2018 at the Pavillon Vendôme, 362-364, rue Saint-Honoré, 75001 Paris

During this General Meeting, shareholders will be asked, in particular, to approve the parent company and consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended December 31, 2017, to allocate the earnings for this financial year and to pay a dividend of €1.25 per share entitled to dividend. If this dividend is approved, the ex-dividend date will be June 4, 2018, the record date will be June 5, 2018 and the payment date will be on June 6, 2018.

The General Meeting will also be invited to vote on the ratification of the co-optation of Bruno Bézard as director (co-opted to replace Jérôme Contamine whose term of office was to expire at the end of the General Meeting) and on the renewal of his term of office. Shareholders are also invited to renew Noëlle Lenoir’s term of office as director and to appoint Gilles Michel as director to replace Daniel Camus whose term of office will expire at the end of the General Meeting and who did not ask for its renewal.

Furthermore, shareholders will be asked to vote on the compensation paid or allocated to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the financial year ended December 31, 2017 (ex post vote) and on the compensation policy applicable to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the financial year ending December 31, 2018 (ex ante vote).

Finally, shareholders will be invited to renew the authorizations to be granted to the Board of Directors with regards to share buybacks and allocation of free shares.

The prior notice of meeting, which will be published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires of March 30, 2018, will contain the detailed meeting agenda, the draft resolutions, and the main modalities for participating in and voting at this General Meeting.

This prior notice of meeting as well as the report of the Board of Directors on the draft resolutions and legal information will be available on the website (Investors and Shareholders/General Meeting section) as from March 30, 2018.

The other documents and information relating to this General Meeting will be made available to shareholders and may be consulted on the aforementioned website under the conditions and within the time limits provided for by the applicable legal and regulatory provisions.

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