Valeo Group | 10 Sep, 2019 | 8 min

On show at IAA 2019 – The Valeo innovations at the epicenter of the revolutions shaping mobility

Frankfurt - September 2019

Valeo, a key driver of cleaner mobility

Coming soon

  • Vehicle electrification, a fast-growing market
  • Strict regulations introduced by states and cities, the new demanding regulators
  • Valeo, a world leader in electrification

Already here

  • One in three vehicles worldwide is fitted with a Valeo technology
  • A world leader in battery cooling systems
  • The economic and environmental benefits of lightweight materials

The autonomous vehicle revolution

Coming soon

  • Billions of sensors
  • Beyond words and gestures
  • Scaled-up cleaning systems

Already here

  • The Valeo SCALA™ LiDAR, unique in the world
  • Exceptional vision for autonomous vehicles
  • Unprecedented success stories

The digital mobility revolution

Coming soon

  • Valeo VoyageXR, from road network to social network
  • Innovative automotive services inspired by teletransportation
  • Heading toward empathic vehicles

Already here

  • Self-parking cars, from fiction to reality
  • Towing an invisible load
  • Parking made easier over the years thanks to Valeo

Valeo, the technology leader at the epicenter of the revolutions shaping mobility     

  • Strategically integrated areas of expertise
  • An impressive pace of five Valeo innovations per day
  • A leader in AI for automotive applications
  • A continuous succession of world firsts

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