We CARE for our employees

Diversity & Equity


As a major local player in communities around the world, Valeo is strongly committed to social and environmental issues that affect our stakeholders and our activities.

We firmly believe in workplace diversity as a social responsibility and as an essential tool for high-quality performance and competitiveness. It is an integral part of our culture, present at all levels and in every profession at Valeo.

Valeo works to promote diversity in all its forms (gender, disability, social and cultural, generational) through local policies and actions, mentoring and training programs, networks and partnerships.

Gender equality

Valeo values all its collaborators and aims at allowing each employee to fulfill their potential. The Group has set ambitious objectives regarding diversity. The Group has defined an objective of reaching 32% of women on management committees by 2030. At the end of 2020, women composed 19.5% of management committees. That figure increased to 23.6% in 2023.

Since 2019, a gender pay index has been calculated at Valeo Group companies based in France.

To know more click here

Opportunities for Career development

Encouraging career development within the Group, in all countries where we operate, is one of the founding principles of our human resources policy. Career management and internal mobility are part of our culture:

  • At least twice a year, each employee has a dedicated moment to talk about their career with their direct manager. And at any moment during the year, they can discuss their career interests and internal mobility
  • Career goals, internal opportunities and succession plans are discussed all year long between managers and human resources teams
  • With more than 800 different jobs, 16 departments, 5 businesses, Valeo offers a broad range of internal moves, from advanced R&D to industrialization and operations
  • In every country and site, Valeo organizes “Career Days” each year to feature the multitude of jobs in the company and foster internal mobility
  • With more than 130 nationalities across 31 countries, Valeo also offers a multicultural environment, where international teams work together and employees can take advantage of geographical moves.
Ewa - Career Development in Valeo
Ewa - Career Development in Valeo
Saminath - Career Development in Valeo
Saminath - Career Development in Valeo
Morane - Career Development in Valeo
Morane - Career Development in Valeo
Pai - Career Development in Valeo
Pai Career Development in Valeo
Urszula - Career Development in Valeo
Urszula - Career Development in Valeo

Flexible work

Remote working has been proven to have a positive impact on employees’ well-being, on reducing our carbon footprint, and on the company’s economic performance. We want to offer our employees the best balance between reducing their commute time, and maintaining productive relationships with their colleagues at the office on a regular basis to boost ideation and practice sharing. Valeo encourages flexible work models in all its locations, allowing you to work from home at least two days per week.

Total reward

Valeo offers fair and competitive compensation and benefits packages to attract, retain and engage our employees. Our aim is to reward employees fairly and in line with their contribution to the business through C&B packages that meet both the needs of Valeo and employees, and that reflect our values and performance. As part of our Total Rewards program, we provide a wide range of local employee benefits in addition to global programs such as our shareholding plans, which offer all employees the opportunity to invest in Valeo under very favorable terms.

We CARE for our planet

Sustainability is part of Valeo’s DNA. Our commitment to protecting the environment is reflected in our innovations in technology and our products for cleaner mobility and reduced carbon emissions. It can also be seen in our environmentally-efficient industrial processes, and in our work with suppliers towards achieving sustainability goals.

Recycling waste in Chonburi, Thailand
Recycling waste in Chonburi, Thailand
Earth Day Challenge 2.0 Batam, Indonesia: Deleting emails to reduce carbon emission
Earth Day Challenge 2.0 Batam, Indonesia: Deleting emails to reduce carbon emission
Earth Day Challenge 2.0 - Batam, Indonesia
Earth Day Challenge 2.0 - Batam, Indonesia

Valeo has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and will have already reached 45% of its objective by 2030 through its CAP50 Plan.

All Valeo employees and all Valeo departments are involved in this plan: from Procurement to R&D, and Supply Chain to Operations, we all participate in creating the carbon-free mobility of tomorrow.

Proof of our commitment to this environmental objective:

  • Valeo was ranked by Corporate Knights as the number one company in the automotive sector in terms of sustainable development among the 100 listed companies worldwide that are leaders in this field.
  • In March 2021, Valeo joined the new “CAC 40 ESG” index, which includes 40 companies that have demonstrated best practices from an environmental, social and governance perspective.
  • In July 2021, Valeo became the first European player in the automotive industry to issue a sustainability-linked bond.