The Board of Directors

The principal role of the Board of Directors is to determine Valeo’s business strategies and ensure that these strategies are implemented effectively. Board members have a diverse range of expertise and backgrounds—including in economics, manufacturing, and finance—that help inform their leadership and decision making.


The Board of Directors has set up the following four committees to make recommendations on key issues, enhance the Board’s operating procedure, and ensure the Group’s sustainable growth.

  • Audit and Risks Committee
  • Compensation Committee   
  • Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee  
  • Strategy Committee

Our board today

Portrait of Gilles Michel, Valeo Board Member


Gilles Michel
Chairman of the Board of Directors


Christophe Périllat, Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer


Christophe Périllat
Chief Executive Officer of Valeo and Director


Portrait of Julie Avrane, Valeo Board Member


Julie Avrane
Permanent Representative of the Fonds Stratégique de Participations, Independent Director – Member of the Audit and Risks Committee, of the Compensation Committee and of the Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee in charge of CSR topics 

Portrait of Bruno Bézard, Valeo Board Member


Bruno Bézard
Independent Director – Member of the Audit and Risks Committee



Eric Chauvirey
Director representing employee shareholders – Member of the Audit and Risks Committee


Portrait of Alexandre Dayon, Independent Director and Member of the Strategy Committee


Alexandre Dayon
Independent Director – Chairman of the Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility and of the Compensation Committee, Member of the Strategy Committee


Portrait of Stéphanie Frachet, Valeo Board Member


Stéphanie Frachet
Independent Director – Member of the Strategy Committee, of the Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and of the Compensation Committee


Portrait of Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière, Valeo Board Member


Mari-Noëlle Jégo-Laveissière
Independent Director – Member of the Audit and Risks Committee


Portrait of Alexandre Ossola, Member of the Audit and Risks Committee


Alexandre Ossola
Permanent Representative of Bpifrance Participations, Independent Director – Member of the Audit and Risks Committee, and of the Strategy Committee


Portrait of Eric Poton, Director representing Valeo Group employees
Eric Poton
Director representing employees – Member of the Governance, Appointments and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and of the Compensation Committee


Portrait of Beatriz Puente, Valeo Board Member


Beatriz Puente
Independent Director – Member of the Audit and Risks Committee


Portrait of Patrick Sayer, Valeo Board Member


Patrick Sayer
Independent Director – Chairman of the Strategy Committee, Member of the Governance, Appointment and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and of the Compensation Committee


Portrait of Grzegorz Szelag, Valeo Board Member


Grzegorz Szelag
Director representing employees – Member of the Strategy Committee


Portrait of Véronique Weill, Valeo Board Member


Véronique Weill
Independent Director – Chairwoman of the Audit and Risks Committee


Portrait of Sascha Zahnd, Valeo Board Member


Sascha Zahnd
Independent Director – Member of the Strategy Committee