Mission and key figures

Valeo is an automotive supplier and partner to automakers worldwide. As a technology company, we design innovative solutions for smart mobility, with a particular focus on intuitive driving and reducing CO2 emissions. The Group also provides and distributes spare parts for automakers and independent aftermarket operators.


Statement of Purpose

Valeo’s ambition, as a tech company, is to play a major role in tomorrow’s mobility. At the heart of today’s environmental and social issues, future mobility must be greener, safer and more diverse. It must also contribute to the well-being and safety of citizens and consumers.

We will achieve our ambition thanks to our unique positioning and technological leadership in areas that are at the heart of the transformation of the automotive industry and sustainable mobility, across the globe. This positioning and leadership are rooted in our expertise, innovations and operational excellence. They are driven by our values and business culture, oriented towards serving our customers, employees, shareholders and the regions in which we operate.

Key Figures (at end December 2024)

  • 0


  • 0

    million euros in sales*

  • 0


  • 0

    production sites

  • 0

    R&D centers

  • 0

    distribution platforms

*Before application of IFRS 15